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Xtrackers Municipal Infrastructure Revenue Bond ETF

Today’s Change
-- (--)


Inception Date
Jun 04 2013
Expense Ratio
US Bonds
Fund Owner
Volume (1m avg. daily)
Associated Index
Solactive Municipal Infrastructure Revenue Bond Index
Fractionable on Composer

Top 10 Holdings

Triborough Bridge & Tunnel Authority 5.00 05/15/2051
Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission 5.00 12/01/2050
San Diego County Regional Airport Authority 5.00 07/01/2056
San Francisco City & County Airport Comm-San Francisco International Airport 5.00 05/01/2045
Chicago Ill Transit Authority 5.00 12/01/2057
Los Angeles Califonia Department of Water & Power Waterworks Rev 5.00 07/01/2051
Intermountain Power Agency UTAH Power 5.0 07/01/2042
Tampa Fla Water & Wastewater Sys Rev 5.00 10/01/205
Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority 4.00 10/01/2053
Invest with RVNU

What is RVNU?

The Xtrackers Municipal Infrastructure Revenue Bond ETF (the Fund ) seeks investment results that correspond generally to the performance, before fees and expenses, of the Solactive Municipal Infrastructure Revenue Bond Index (the Underlying Index ). The Index is a rules-based index aiming to track the returns of the U.S. long term tax-exempt bond market, specifically infrastructure revenue bonds. The Index is comprised of tax-exempt municipal securities issued by states, cities, counties,districts, their respective agencies and other tax-exempt issuers. The Index is intended to track bonds that have been issued with the intention of funding federal, state and local infrastructure projects such as water and sewer systems, public power systems, toll roads, bridges, tunnels, and many other public use projects. The Index is designed to only hold those bonds issued by state and local municipalities where the interest and principal repayments are generated from dedicated revenue streams or double-barreled entities (whose bonds are backed by both a dedicated revenue stream and a general obligation pledge).

ETFs related toRVNU

ETFs correlated to RVNU include SCMB, MMIN, MMIT

DBX ETF Trust - Xtrackers Municipal Infrastructure Revenue Bond ETF
Schwab Strategic Trust - Schwab Municipal Bond ETF
IndexIQ Active ETF Trust - IQ MacKay Municipal Insured ETF
IndexIQ Active ETF Trust - IQ MacKay Municipal Intermediate ETF
BlackRock Institutional Trust Company N.A. - iShares National Muni Bond ETF
BlackRock Institutional Trust Company N.A. - iShares California Muni Bond ETF
J.P. Morgan Exchange-Traded Fund Trust - JPMorgan Municipal ETF
VanEck ETF Trust - VanEck Intermediate Muni ETF
Capital Group Fixed Income ETF Trust - Capital Group Municipal Income ETF
BlackRock Institutional Trust Company N.A. - iShares New York Muni Bond ETF
Vanguard Group, Inc. - Vanguard Tax-Exempt Bond ETF

What is ETF correlation?

Correlation is a measure of the strength of the relationship between two ETFs. It quantifies the degree to which prices of the two ETFs typically move together.

Here, correlation is measured over the past year with the Pearson correlation coefficient (Pearon’s r), which ranges from -1 to 1.

Using ETF correlations in portfolio and strategy construction

ETF correlations can help you create investing strategies and portfolios. Use them to:

  • Build a diversified portfolio from uncorrelated or inversely correlated ETFs with the aim of minimizing portfolio risk.
  • Compare correlated or related ETFs to find one with a lower expense ratio or higher trading volume.
  • Create an investing strategy that hedges an ETF with an uncorrelated or inversely correlated ETF.


RVNU is a US Bonds ETF. The Xtrackers Municipal Infrastructure Revenue Bond ETF (the Fund ) seeks investment results that correspond generally to the performance, before fees and expenses, of the Solactive Municipal Infrastructure Revenue Bond Index (the Underlying Index ). The Index is a rules-based index aiming to track the returns of the U.S. long term tax-exempt bond market, specifically infrastructure revenue bonds. The Index is comprised of tax-exempt municipal securities issued by states, cities, counties,districts, their respective agencies and other tax-exempt issuers. The Index is intended to track bonds that have been issued with the intention of funding federal, state and local infrastructure projects such as water and sewer systems, public power systems, toll roads, bridges, tunnels, and many other public use projects. The Index is designed to only hold those bonds issued by state and local municipalities where the interest and principal repayments are generated from dedicated revenue streams or double-barreled entities (whose bonds are backed by both a dedicated revenue stream and a general obligation pledge).

RVNU tracks the Solactive Municipal Infrastructure Revenue Bond Index.

No, RVNU is not actively managed. It is passively managed. In an actively managed fund, the fund manager makes decisions about how funds are invested. A passively managed fund typically tries to track or follow a market index.

Yes, RVNU is passively managed. A passively managed fund typically tries to track or follow a market index. In an actively managed fund, the fund manager makes decisions about how funds are invested.

The 1-month return on RVNU is -0.0221%. This is the percent change in the value of RVNU over the most recent 1-month period. The 3-month return on RVNU is -0.047%. This is the percent change in the value of RVNU over the most recent 3-month period.

The standard deviation of RVNU for the past year is 0.0819%. Standard deviation is the typical amount that the daily returns vary from the mean of the returns over the time period, standardized to a period of a year.

ETFs similar to RVNU include HYMB, SUB, and HYD.

ETFs correlated to RVNU include SCMB, MMIN, and MMIT.

ETFs that are inversely correlated to RVNU include TBT, TTT, and TMV.



We show information directly obtained from our data provider, Xignite. Data shown here is provided by Xignite, an unaffiliated third party. Composer believes the information shown here is reliable, but has not been verified and there is no guarantee that the information is accurate.


We show information based on calculations performed by Composer using data from our provider. Information provided here is based on calculations performed by Composer using data sourced from Xignite, an unaffiliated third party. Composer believes this information is reliable, but has not verified the data and there is no guarantee that the calculations are accurate.