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Janus Henderson International Sustainable Equity ETF

Today’s Change
-- (--)


Inception Date
Sep 08 2021
Expense Ratio
Global Ex. US Equities
Fund Owner
Volume (1m avg. daily)
Associated Index
Fractionable on Composer

Top 10 Holdings

Intact Financial Corp
Schneider Electric SE
Infineon Technologies AG
ASML Holding NV
Boralex, Inc. - Ordinary Shares - Class A
Allianz SE - Registered Shares
Constellation Software Inc
Murata Manufacturing Co. Ltd.
AIA Group Limited
Invest with SXUS

What is SXUS?

The Fund pursues its investment objective by investing, under normal circumstances, at least 80% of its net assets (plus any borrowings for investment purposes) in equity securities. The Fund seeks to invest in companies whose products and services are considered by Janus Capital as contributing to positive environmental or social change and sustainable economic development, including those that are strategically aligned with environmental and social mega trends such as climate change, resource constraints, growing populations, and aging populations.The Fund primarily invests in equity securities of companies that are economically tied to countries outside of the United States, including investments in emerging markets. A security is deemed to be economically tied to a country or countries if one or more of the following tests are met: (i) the company is organized in, or its primary business office or principal trading market of its equity is located in, the country; (ii) a majority of the company s revenues are derived from one or more countries; or (iii) amajority of the company s assets are located in one or more countries. The Fund s investments may be in non-U.S. currency orU.S. dollar-denominated.

ETFs related toSXUS

ETFs correlated to SXUS include EFG, SPDW, DIHP

Janus Capital Management LLC - Janus Henderson International Sustainable Equity ETF
BlackRock Institutional Trust Company N.A. - iShares MSCI EAFE Growth ETF
SSgA Active Trust - SPDR Portfolio Developed World ex-US ETF
Dimensional ETF Trust - Dimensional International High Profitability ETF
Vanguard Group, Inc. - Vanguard ESG International Stock ETF
Vanguard Group, Inc. - Vanguard FTSE Developed Markets ETF
iShares Trust - iShares ESG Advanced MSCI EAFE ETF
iShares Trust - iShares Core MSCI International Developed Markets ETF
Schwab Strategic Trust - Schwab International Equity ETF
BlackRock Institutional Trust Company N.A. - iShares Core MSCI EAFE ETF
iShares Trust - iShares Trust iShares ESG Aware MSCI EAFE ETF

What is ETF correlation?

Correlation is a measure of the strength of the relationship between two ETFs. It quantifies the degree to which prices of the two ETFs typically move together.

Here, correlation is measured over the past year with the Pearson correlation coefficient (Pearon’s r), which ranges from -1 to 1.

Using ETF correlations in portfolio and strategy construction

ETF correlations can help you create investing strategies and portfolios. Use them to:

  • Build a diversified portfolio from uncorrelated or inversely correlated ETFs with the aim of minimizing portfolio risk.
  • Compare correlated or related ETFs to find one with a lower expense ratio or higher trading volume.
  • Create an investing strategy that hedges an ETF with an uncorrelated or inversely correlated ETF.

Automated Strategies
Related toSXUS


Follow the Global Trend


Momentum, Lever Up, Go Global, Diversification

Risk Rating


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SXUS is a Global Ex. US Equities ETF. The Fund pursues its investment objective by investing, under normal circumstances, at least 80% of its net assets (plus any borrowings for investment purposes) in equity securities. The Fund seeks to invest in companies whose products and services are considered by Janus Capital as contributing to positive environmental or social change and sustainable economic development, including those that are strategically aligned with environmental and social mega trends such as climate change, resource constraints, growing populations, and aging populations.The Fund primarily invests in equity securities of companies that are economically tied to countries outside of the United States, including investments in emerging markets. A security is deemed to be economically tied to a country or countries if one or more of the following tests are met: (i) the company is organized in, or its primary business office or principal trading market of its equity is located in, the country; (ii) a majority of the company s revenues are derived from one or more countries; or (iii) amajority of the company s assets are located in one or more countries. The Fund s investments may be in non-U.S. currency orU.S. dollar-denominated.

Yes, SXUS is actively managed. In an actively managed fund, the fund manager makes decisions about how funds are invested. A passively managed fund typically tries to track or follow a market index.

No, SXUS is not passively managed. It is actively managed. A passively managed fund typically tries to track or follow a market index. In an actively managed fund, the fund manager makes decisions about how funds are invested.

The 1-month return on SXUS is -0.027%. This is the percent change in the value of SXUS over the most recent 1-month period. The 3-month return on SXUS is -0.0971%. This is the percent change in the value of SXUS over the most recent 3-month period.

The standard deviation of SXUS for the past year is 0.1944%. Standard deviation is the typical amount that the daily returns vary from the mean of the returns over the time period, standardized to a period of a year.

ETFs similar to SXUS include PBW, IGF, and ARKK.

ETFs correlated to SXUS include EFG, SPDW, and DIHP.

ETFs that are inversely correlated to SXUS include EFZ, EPV, and HIBS.



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We show information based on calculations performed by Composer using data from our provider. Information provided here is based on calculations performed by Composer using data sourced from Xignite, an unaffiliated third party. Composer believes this information is reliable, but has not verified the data and there is no guarantee that the calculations are accurate.