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United States 12 Month Oil Fund, LP

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Inception Date
Dec 06 2007
Expense Ratio
Global Commodities & Metals
Fund Owner
United States Commodity Funds
Volume (1m avg. daily)
Associated Index
Crude Oil - NYMEX traded light sweet crude oil next 12 months average futures contracts
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What is USL?

The investment objective of USL is to have the changes in percentage terms of the units net asset value reflect the changes in percentage terms of the price of light sweet crude oil delivered to Cushing Oklahoma as measured by the changes in the average of the prices of 12 Futures Contracts on crude oil traded on the New York Mercantile Exchange (the Benchmark Futures Contracts) consisting of the near month contract to expire and the contracts for the following eleven months for a total of 12 consecutive months contracts except when the near month contract is within two weeks of expiration in which case it will be measured by the futures contracts that are the next month contract to expire and the contracts for the following eleven consecutive months less USLs expenses. When calculating the daily movement of the average price of the 12 contracts each contract month will be equally weighted.

ETFs related toUSL

ETFs correlated to USL include UCO, OILK, USO

United States Commodity Funds LLC - United States 12 Month Oil Fund LP
ProShares Trust - ProShares Ultra Bloomberg Crude Oil 2x Shares
ProShares Trust - ProShares K-1 Free Crude Oil Strategy ETF
United States Commodity Funds LLC - United States Oil Fund
Invesco DB Multi-Sector Commodity Trust - Invesco DB Oil Fund
United States Commodity Funds LLC - United States Brent Crude Oil Fund
Credit Suisse AG Nassau Branch - Credit Suisse X-Links Crude Oil Shares Covered Call ETN
BlackRock Institutional Trust Company N.A. - iShares S&P GSCI Commodity-Indexed Trust
BlackRock Institutional Trust Company N.A. - iShares GSCI Commodity Dynamic Roll Strategy ETF
Invesco Capital Management LLC - Invesco Optimum Yield Diversified Commodity Strategy No K-1 ETF
DB Commodity Services LLC - Invesco DB Commodity Index Tracking Fund

What is ETF correlation?

Correlation is a measure of the strength of the relationship between two ETFs. It quantifies the degree to which prices of the two ETFs typically move together.

Here, correlation is measured over the past year with the Pearson correlation coefficient (Pearon’s r), which ranges from -1 to 1.

Using ETF correlations in portfolio and strategy construction

ETF correlations can help you create investing strategies and portfolios. Use them to:

  • Build a diversified portfolio from uncorrelated or inversely correlated ETFs with the aim of minimizing portfolio risk.
  • Compare correlated or related ETFs to find one with a lower expense ratio or higher trading volume.
  • Create an investing strategy that hedges an ETF with an uncorrelated or inversely correlated ETF.

Automated Strategies
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USL is a Global Commodities & Metals ETF. The investment objective of USL is to have the changes in percentage terms of the units net asset value reflect the changes in percentage terms of the price of light sweet crude oil delivered to Cushing Oklahoma as measured by the changes in the average of the prices of 12 Futures Contracts on crude oil traded on the New York Mercantile Exchange (the Benchmark Futures Contracts) consisting of the near month contract to expire and the contracts for the following eleven months for a total of 12 consecutive months contracts except when the near month contract is within two weeks of expiration in which case it will be measured by the futures contracts that are the next month contract to expire and the contracts for the following eleven consecutive months less USLs expenses. When calculating the daily movement of the average price of the 12 contracts each contract month will be equally weighted.

USL tracks the Crude Oil - NYMEX traded light sweet crude oil next 12 months average futures contracts.

No, USL is not actively managed. It is passively managed. In an actively managed fund, the fund manager makes decisions about how funds are invested. A passively managed fund typically tries to track or follow a market index.

Yes, USL is passively managed. A passively managed fund typically tries to track or follow a market index. In an actively managed fund, the fund manager makes decisions about how funds are invested.

The 1-month return on USL is 0.0983%. This is the percent change in the value of USL over the most recent 1-month period. The 3-month return on USL is 0.2441%. This is the percent change in the value of USL over the most recent 3-month period.

The standard deviation of USL for the past year is 0.2973%. Standard deviation is the typical amount that the daily returns vary from the mean of the returns over the time period, standardized to a period of a year.

ETFs similar to USL include DBE, RENW, and UGA.

ETFs correlated to USL include UCO, OILK, and USO.

ETFs that are inversely correlated to USL include SCO, ERY, and OILD.



We show information directly obtained from our data provider, Xignite. Data shown here is provided by Xignite, an unaffiliated third party. Composer believes the information shown here is reliable, but has not been verified and there is no guarantee that the information is accurate.


We show information based on calculations performed by Composer using data from our provider. Information provided here is based on calculations performed by Composer using data sourced from Xignite, an unaffiliated third party. Composer believes this information is reliable, but has not verified the data and there is no guarantee that the calculations are accurate.