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What is VCEB?
Vanguard ESG U.S. Corporate Bond ETF seeks to track the Bloomberg MSCI US Corporate SRI Select Index, which will capture a broad cross section of the U.S. US dollar-denominated investment-grade, fixed rate, taxable corporate bond market with maturities in excess of one year, resulting in a portfolio of intermediate duration. The index excludes the bonds of companies that the index provider, MSCI, determines are involved in, and/or derive threshold amounts of revenue from certain activities or business segments related to: adult entertainment, alcohol, gambling, tobacco, nuclear weapons, controversial weapons, conventional weapons, civilian firearms, nuclear power, genetically modified organisms, or thermal coal, oil, or gas. The index also excludes the bonds of any company that, as determined by the index provider, does not meet certain standards defined by the index provider s ESG controversies assessment, which measures a company s involvement in major ESG controversies by assessing a variety of factors such as environmental impact, labor rights, human rights, community impact, governance, and compliance with the United Nations Global Compact Principles. Additionally, the index excludes companies that fail to have at least one woman on their board or do not report board diversity.
ETFs related toVCEB
ETFs correlated to VCEB include LQD, QLTA, VTC
What is ETF correlation?
Correlation is a measure of the strength of the relationship between two ETFs. It quantifies the degree to which prices of the two ETFs typically move together.
Here, correlation is measured over the past year with the Pearson correlation coefficient (Pearon’s r), which ranges from -1 to 1.
Using ETF correlations in portfolio and strategy construction
ETF correlations can help you create investing strategies and portfolios. Use them to:
- •Build a diversified portfolio from uncorrelated or inversely correlated ETFs with the aim of minimizing portfolio risk.
- •Compare correlated or related ETFs to find one with a lower expense ratio or higher trading volume.
- •Create an investing strategy that hedges an ETF with an uncorrelated or inversely correlated ETF.
Automated Strategies
Related toVCEB
Rotating Bonds
Smarter Dividends
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