Top 10 Holdings
What is WTV?
The Fund seeks to achieve its investment objective by investing primarily in US equity securities that provide a high total shareholder yield and exhibit favorable quality characteristics that demonstrate a companys profitability such as strong returns on equity ROE andor returns on assets ROA The Funds investment adviser WisdomTree Asset Management Inc WisdomTree Asset Management using a disciplined model based process focused on a longterm approach to investing seeks to identify approximately 200 companies with a high total shareholder yield comprising return of capital to shareholders through either dividend distributions or the repurchase of shares buybacks while also displaying favorable quality characteristics WisdomTree Asset Management believes screening equity securities by quality measures such as ROE and ROA can improve the Fund returns relative to traditional value oriented investment strategies that focus exclusively on total shareholder yield while also continuing to provide a source for potential income At a minimum the Funds portfolio will be reconstituted and rebalanced annually although a more active approach may be taken depending on such factors as market conditions and investment opportunities and the number of holdings in the Fund may vary.
ETFs related toWTV
ETFs correlated to WTV include JHMM, PKW, EZM
What is ETF correlation?
Correlation is a measure of the strength of the relationship between two ETFs. It quantifies the degree to which prices of the two ETFs typically move together.
Here, correlation is measured over the past year with the Pearson correlation coefficient (Pearon’s r), which ranges from -1 to 1.
Using ETF correlations in portfolio and strategy construction
ETF correlations can help you create investing strategies and portfolios. Use them to:
- •Build a diversified portfolio from uncorrelated or inversely correlated ETFs with the aim of minimizing portfolio risk.
- •Compare correlated or related ETFs to find one with a lower expense ratio or higher trading volume.
- •Create an investing strategy that hedges an ETF with an uncorrelated or inversely correlated ETF.
Automated Strategies
Related toWTV
Controlling for Volatility
Rotating Bonds
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